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Wednesday 9 September 2015

UVM Interview Questions - 2

Q16: Is uvm is independent of systemverilog ?

Ans: UVM is a methodology based on SystemVerilog language and is not a language on its own.  It is a standardized methodology that defines several best practices in verification to enable  efficiency in terms of reuse and is also currently part of IEEE 1800.2  working group.

Q17: What are the benefits of using UVM?

Ans: Some of the benefits of using UVM are :

  • Modularity and Reusability – The methodology is designed as modular components (Driver, Sequencer, Agents , env etc) which enables reusing components across unit level to multi-unit or chip level verification as well as across projects.
  • Separating Tests from Testbenches – Tests in terms of stimulus/sequencers are kept separate from the actual testbench hierarchy and hence there can be reuse of stimulus across different units or across projects
  • Simulator independent – The base class library and the methodology is supported by all simulators and hence there is no dependence on any specific simulator
  • Better control on Stimulus generation – Sequence methodology gives good control on stimulus generation. There are several ways in which sequences can be developed which includes randomization, layered sequences, virtual sequences etc which provides a good control and rich stimulus generation capability.
  • Easy configuration – Config mechanisms simplify configuration of objects with deep hierarchy. The configuration mechanism helps in easily configuring different testbench components based on which verification environment uses it and without worrying about how deep any component is in testbench hierarchy
  • Factory mechanism – Factory mechanisms simplifies modification of components easily. Creating each components using factory enables them to be overridden in different tests or environments without changing underlying code base.

Q18: Can we have user defined phase in UVM?

Ans: In addition to the predefined phases available in uvm , the user has the option to add his own phase to a component. This is typically done by extending the uvm_phase class the constructor needs to call super.new which has three arguments
  • Name of the phase task or function
  • Top down or bottom up phase
  • Task or function

The call_task  or call_func and get_type_name need to be implemented to complete the addition of new phase.
Below is a simple example 

class custom_phase extends uvm_phase;
   function new();

   task call_task  ( uvm_component parent);
     my_comp_type comp;
     if ( $cast(comp,parent) )

   virtual function string get_type_name();
      return “custom”;

Q19: What is uvm RAL model ? why it is required ?

Ans: In a verification context, a register model (or register abstraction layer) is a set of classes that model the memory mapped behavior of registers and memories in the DUT in order to facilitate stimulus generation and functional checking (and optionally some aspects of functional coverage). The UVM provides a set of base classes that can be extended to implement comprehensive register modeling capabilities.

Q20: What is the difference between new() and create?

Ans: We all know about new() method that is use to allocate memory to an object instance. In UVM (and OVM), the create() method causes an object instance to be created from the factory. This allows you to use factory overrides to replace the desired object with an object of a different type without having to recode.

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